Collaborative facilitation

Spend time and involve key players before a business transition.

Kate believes you will achieve the best results by investing time at the beginning of a business relationship or before a transition. You need a robust plan that accounts for the inevitable curve balls - a plan that has been developed early and involved all of the key people in your business. Kate facilitates workshops between parties before they enter into contracts, or to assess if they need to change or end contracts, so that they can identify what all parties really want and need. This includes shareholders and partnerships but also independent groups wanting to collaborate on projects.

“Traditionally, people visit their lawyer or accountant. They complete the necessary documents, often with a looming deadline, and not everyone gets the opportunity to ask questions or absorb information properly. This can lead to misunderstandings, which may not come out for some time - and, by then, relationships have begun to sour. I take time with the whole group to get everyone on the same page.”

Collaboration builds connection

Collaborative facilitation is ideal to establish lasting business relationships between new owners or for sustaining relationships through a period of change. For example, during succession planning it’s important that outgoing and incoming owners preserve an effective relationship.

Collaborative facilitation works well for family businesses. Every family has its own dynamics - some are generational, some are unspoken. With the assistance of Kate as an independent facilitator, tricky conversations and subjects can be worked through.

“Almost all groups have a member who likes to stir things up. It is hard for their family accountant or lawyer to keep everyone happy and avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest. By coming in fresh and listening to everyone involved, I gain an overview and can foster open communication.”

What does collaborative facilitation involve?

Kate will engage you with a shared sense of purpose and direction by focussing on the organisation’s ownership and governance - what’s working, what’s not working, people’s expectations, future opportunities and threats. Kate’s approach encourages open discussion on such topics to ensure everyone’s concerns and goals are known. 

Because of her legal background, Kate can help people identify the relevant issues and design a clear pathway forward. This frees up your accountant, lawyer or other advisor to get on with putting the plan into action. 

The not-so surprising power of questions REAL Active Listening The illusion that a conversation has taken place